
System.Span<T> 結構

本文提供此 API 參考文件的補充備註。

Span<T> 類型是一種 ref 結構 ,配置於堆疊上,而不是在 Managed 堆積上配置。 Ref 結構類型有許多限制,以確保它們無法升階到 Managed 堆積,包括無法進行 Boxed、無法指派給類型的Object變數,dynamic或是任何介面類型,它們不能是參考型別中的欄位,而且不能跨和yield界限使用await。 此外,呼叫兩個方法 , Equals(Object)GetHashCode會擲回 NotSupportedException


因為它是僅限堆疊的類型, Span<T> 因此不適合許多需要儲存堆積上緩衝區參考的案例。 例如,這是進行異步方法呼叫的例程。 針對這類案例,您可以使用互補 System.Memory<T>System.ReadOnlyMemory<T> 型別。

對於代表不可變或唯讀結構之範圍,請使用 System.ReadOnlySpan<T>


Span<T>表示任意記憶體的連續區域。 Span<T>實例通常用來保存數位或陣列的一部分元素。 不過,不同於陣列, Span<T> 實例可以指向堆疊上受控記憶體、原生記憶體或記憶體。 下列範例會從陣列建立 Span<Byte>

// Create a span over an array.
var array = new byte[100];
var arraySpan = new Span<byte>(array);

byte data = 0;
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < arraySpan.Length; ctr++)
    arraySpan[ctr] = data++;

int arraySum = 0;
foreach (var value in array)
    arraySum += value;

Console.WriteLine($"The sum is {arraySum}");
// Output:  The sum is 4950
// Create a span over an array.
let array = Array.zeroCreate<byte> 100
let arraySpan = Span<byte> array

let mutable data = 0uy
for i = 0 to arraySpan.Length - 1 do
    arraySpan[i] <- data
    data <- data + 1uy

let mutable arraySum = 0
for value in array do
    arraySum <- arraySum + int value

printfn $"The sum is {arraySum}"
// Output:  The sum is 4950

下列範例會 Span<Byte> 從 100 位元組的原生記憶體建立 :

// Create a span from native memory.
var native = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(100);
Span<byte> nativeSpan;
    nativeSpan = new Span<byte>(native.ToPointer(), 100);
byte data = 0;
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < nativeSpan.Length; ctr++)
    nativeSpan[ctr] = data++;

int nativeSum = 0;
foreach (var value in nativeSpan)
    nativeSum += value;

Console.WriteLine($"The sum is {nativeSum}");
// Output:  The sum is 4950
// Create a span from native memory.
let native = Marshal.AllocHGlobal 100
let nativeSpan = Span<byte>(native.ToPointer(), 100)

let mutable data = 0uy
for i = 0 to nativeSpan.Length - 1 do
    nativeSpan[i] <- data
    data <- data + 1uy

let mutable nativeSum = 0
for value in nativeSpan do
    nativeSum <- nativeSum + int value

printfn $"The sum is {nativeSum}"
Marshal.FreeHGlobal native
// Output:  The sum is 4950

下列範例會使用 C# stackalloc 關鍵詞在堆棧上配置 100 個字節的記憶體:

// Create a span on the stack.
byte data = 0;
Span<byte> stackSpan = stackalloc byte[100];
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < stackSpan.Length; ctr++)
    stackSpan[ctr] = data++;

int stackSum = 0;
foreach (var value in stackSpan)
    stackSum += value;

Console.WriteLine($"The sum is {stackSum}");
// Output:  The sum is 4950
    // Create a span on the stack.
    let mutable data = 0uy
    let stackSpan = 
        let p = NativeInterop.NativePtr.stackalloc<byte> 100 |> NativeInterop.NativePtr.toVoidPtr
        Span<byte>(p, 100)

    for i = 0 to stackSpan.Length - 1 do
        stackSpan[i] <- data
        data <- data + 1uy

    let mutable stackSum = 0
    for value in stackSpan do
        stackSum <- stackSum + int value

    printfn $"The sum is {stackSum}"
// Output:  The sum is 4950

由於 Span<T> 是任意記憶體區塊的抽象概念,因此不論其封裝的記憶體類型為何, Span<T> 具有 Span<T> 參數的方法和方法都會在任何物件上 Span<T> 運作。 例如,初始化範圍並計算其元素總和的程式代碼每個個別區段都可以變更為單一初始化和計算方法,如下列範例所示:

public static void WorkWithSpans()
    // Create a span over an array.
    var array = new byte[100];
    var arraySpan = new Span<byte>(array);

    Console.WriteLine($"The sum is {ComputeSum(arraySpan):N0}");

    // Create an array from native memory.
    var native = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(100);
    Span<byte> nativeSpan;
        nativeSpan = new Span<byte>(native.ToPointer(), 100);

    Console.WriteLine($"The sum is {ComputeSum(nativeSpan):N0}");


    // Create a span on the stack.
    Span<byte> stackSpan = stackalloc byte[100];

    Console.WriteLine($"The sum is {ComputeSum(stackSpan):N0}");

public static void InitializeSpan(Span<byte> span)
    byte value = 0;
    for (int ctr = 0; ctr < span.Length; ctr++)
        span[ctr] = value++;

public static int ComputeSum(Span<byte> span)
    int sum = 0;
    foreach (var value in span)
        sum += value;

    return sum;
// The example displays the following output:
//    The sum is 4,950
//    The sum is 4,950
//    The sum is 4,950
open System
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
open FSharp.NativeInterop

// Package FSharp.NativeInterop.NativePtr.stackalloc for reuse.
let inline stackalloc<'a when 'a: unmanaged> length : Span<'a> =
    let voidPointer = NativePtr.stackalloc<'a> length |> NativePtr.toVoidPtr
    Span<'a>(voidPointer, length)

let initializeSpan (span: Span<byte>) =
    let mutable value = 0uy
    for i = 0 to span.Length - 1 do
        span[i] <- value
        value <- value + 1uy

let computeSum (span: Span<byte>) =
    let mutable sum = 0
    for value in span do
        sum <- sum + int value

let workWithSpans () =
    // Create a span over an array.
    let array = Array.zeroCreate<byte> 100
    let arraySpan = Span<byte> array

    initializeSpan arraySpan
    printfn $"The sum is {computeSum arraySpan:N0}"

    // Create an array from native memory.
    let native = Marshal.AllocHGlobal 100
    let nativeSpan = Span<byte>(native.ToPointer(), 100)

    initializeSpan nativeSpan
    printfn $"The sum is {computeSum nativeSpan:N0}"

    Marshal.FreeHGlobal native

    // Create a span on the stack.
    let stackSpan = stackalloc 100

    initializeSpan stackSpan
    printfn $"The sum is {computeSum stackSpan:N0}"

// The example displays the following output:
//    The sum is 4,950
//    The sum is 4,950
//    The sum is 4,950


當它包裝陣列時,Span<T>可以包裝整個陣列,就像記憶體區段中的範例一樣。 因為它支援切割, Span<T> 因此也可以指向數位內的任何連續範圍。

下列範例會建立10個元素整數陣列中五個元素的配量。 請注意,程式代碼會將配量中每個整數的值加倍。 如輸出所示,範圍所做的變更會反映在陣列的值中。

using System;

var array = new int[] { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 };
var slice = new Span<int>(array, 2, 5);
for (int ctr = 0; ctr < slice.Length; ctr++)
    slice[ctr] *= 2;

// Examine the original array values.
foreach (var value in array)
    Console.Write($"{value}  ");

// The example displays the following output:
//      2  4  12  16  20  24  28  16  18  20
module Program

open System

let main _ =
    let array = [| 2; 4; 6; 8; 10; 12; 14; 16; 18; 20 |]
    let slice = Span<int>(array, 2, 5)
    for i = 0 to slice.Length - 1 do
        slice[i] <- slice[i] * 2

    // Examine the original array values.
    for value in array do
        printf $"{value}  "
    printfn ""
// The example displays the following output:
//      2  4  12  16  20  24  28  16  18  20


Span<T> 包含方法的兩個 Slice 多載,這些多載會形成從指定索引開始之目前範圍中的配量。 這可讓您將 中的數據 Span<T> 視為一組邏輯區塊,以最少的效能影響,視需要處理數據處理管線的一部分。 例如,由於新式伺服器通訊協定通常是以文字為基礎的,因此對字串和子字串的操作特別重要。 在類別中 String ,擷取子字串 Substring的主要方法是 。 對於依賴大量字串操作的數據管線,其使用會提供一些效能處罰,因為它:

  1. 建立新的字串來保存子字串。
  2. 將原始字串中的字元子集複製到新的字串。

您可以使用 或 ReadOnlySpan<T>來消除Span<T>此設定與複製作業,如下列範例所示:

using System;

class Program2
    static void Run()
        string contentLength = "Content-Length: 132";
        var length = GetContentLength(contentLength.ToCharArray());
        Console.WriteLine($"Content length: {length}");

    private static int GetContentLength(ReadOnlySpan<char> span)
        var slice = span.Slice(16);
        return int.Parse(slice);
// Output:
//      Content length: 132
module Program2

open System

let getContentLength (span: ReadOnlySpan<char>) =
    let slice = span.Slice 16
    Int32.Parse slice

let contentLength = "Content-Length: 132"
let length = getContentLength (contentLength.ToCharArray())
printfn $"Content length: {length}"
// Output:
//      Content length: 132